*Inclusive of GST 0%
"Our house blend is a smooth 100% Arabica blend roasted with a fine balance of Latin America, Central America, East Arabia and Indonesia coffees. Exhibits a fine balance of acidity, richness, body, crema and aroma."
Highly refined coffee for the more discerning and those who love straight espressos! Read reviews of the Supremo Blend! '
Complex, sweet, distinctly a wild sweet lemon and floral tones with a hint of nuttiness' OR an Australian veteran would desbribe it as 'Lemon/jasmine front palate, creamy mid palate and chocolate and malt finish'
Our house blend is a smooth 100% Arabica blend roasted with a fine balance of Latin America, Central America, East Arabia and Indonesia coffees.
[Ethiopia, Brazil, Sumatra, Colombia]
This is the signature blend served in our coffee bar. Nice on latte, cappuccino and flat white; in general milk based drinks. Excellent also by itself as a straight espresso shot.