Baratza is one of the well-known brands specialising in coffee grinders. In this post, we will be talking about the Baratza Sette 30. It makes really good espresso and it is one of the top quality grinders at an affordable price. Let’s look at some of the key features of this grinder.

i. 40mm Conical Steel Burrs
ii. Grinds 3.5 to 5.5 grams per second (depending on roast and grind setting)
iii. 31 Steps of Adjustment
- From Espresso to Hand Brew such as AeroPress and Pour Over
iii. Adjustable Portafilter Holder
- Allowing users to grind directly into the portafilter
iv. Bean Hopper Capacity - 300-400g
v. Digital Control Panel with Backlit LED Display
- Users can preset the grind time
vi. Small Footprint
- 13cm x 40cm x 24cm (Width x Height x Depth)
- Weigh about 3.2kg
The hopper can be replaced with a 3D printed bellow which helps to reduce the ground retention by pushing it out. Although it might not look pretty, it does the job very effectively. To have a better idea of how the bellow works, do scroll down to watch our videos!